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Recap: VRARA DC Virtual Event “Telerobotics in Immersive Technology”

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Joe Michaels is the Chief Revenue Officer at HaptX and helps guide the sales strategy, business development and marketing for the company.  HaptX provides the world’s first haptic wearable glove that offers a realistic touch in virtual reality by allowing users to feel the size, shape, weight, texture and temperature of virtual objects.

Rich Walker is the Managing Director of Shadow Robot Company and leads the company’s strategy and overall product development.  Shadow Robot Company builds next-generation robot systems with advanced dexterity to help solve challenging problems and provide meaningful purpose for their end clients.

Throughout the discussion, both Joe and Rich provide expertise, insight and awareness for listeners on what is required to build out effective telerobotic systems.  The HaptX/Shadow Robot team has proven this through the development of their Tactile Telerobot that blends the two worlds together. This joint capability is highlighted in both immediate use cases, such as telecommuting workforces, as well as increased ability to provide patient care, and furthermore to the future of telerobotics for space exploration.

One of the key components the conversation emphasized many times is the ability of telerobotics to enable heightened expressions of human connection.  By leveraging virtual and augmented reality, alongside haptics and robotic manipulation, we are able to build the ultimate human connection machine.  This allows the user to to feel, see, and embody environments with another human, from anywhere in the world.

We hope you enjoy this webinar and if you have any questions, or thoughts, please reach out to us here at Brightline Interactive!

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